Bacterial infections: Antibiotics don't always work against C. diff - Medical News Today
Share on Pinterest Antibiotics aren't always effective in treating clostridioides difficile ( C. diff ) infections,. Pixel Stories/Stocksy Experts say most Clostridioides difficile ( C. diff ) infections occur while taking antibiotics. Researchers say antibiotics aren't always effective in these cases because the medications can reduce the amount of "good" bacteria in the gut and can sometimes cause the bacteria to become more drug-resistant. A second, longer treatment regimen of antibiotics is sometimes prescribed. Experts say there are foods you can eat and liquids you can drink that can also help. Clostridioides difficile ( C. diff ) is a bacterium that can infect the large intestine. Antibiotics used to treat it have been traditionally evaluated in a monoculture – not considering interactions with other bacteria. A new study published today in the journal PLOS Biology assessed two antibiotics in a diverse human gut community to better understand the interactions...