
SCDSS officials address concerning video of inside of Richland County office - WIS News 10

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - WIS learned more about a video posted to social media that appears to show deplorable conditions on the inside of the South Carolina Department of Social Service (SCDSS) office located on Columbia's Two Notch Road. WIS reported before on DSS as officials confirmed children without foster placements stay at the DSS office. Since then the video has circulated garnering more than 500 shares on Facebook. The person who posted the video says it was shot on Sunday. DSS confirms the footage shows the inside of the office but says there's more to the story. The video shows several rooms inside the Two Notch Road DSS office location. It was recorded by a 16-year-old who sent it to her older sister showing what she said were the rooms where children sleep. In the video shown there are clothes scattered on the floor, panels missing in the ceilings, and no bed in sight. WIS sent the video directly to DSS and asked for an in-person interview as well as a tour of the o

How the NJ child welfare system was reformed - NJ Spotlight News

[unable to retrieve full-text content] How the NJ child welfare system was reformed    NJ Spotlight News

A Chronic Itch: Burrowing Beneath the Skin - The Scientist

W hen John (patient name changed for privacy) visited our clinic in 2019, he had been driving for five hours straight. A retired widower, John had been looking forward to relaxing in his golden years. Instead, he had spent the past two years scratching himself day and night, unable to sleep and losing his mind. John tried everything; he visited eight physicians and underwent numerous lab tests. But at the end of it all, doctors were left scratching their heads, and John, his body.  When he read about our work on the internet, John sought our help right away. While describing his symptoms, John mentioned that his belly button was particularly itchy. Scabies like to hide in crevices such as the groin, armpits, and navel, so this was our big clue. We scraped his skin, observed it under a microscope, and there it was: a scabies mite that caused the unbearable itch. When we informed John about the diagnosis and that he would be relieved of his misery soon with a simple antiparasiti

Long COVID No Different From Other Post-Viral Syndromes 1 Year After Infection - Infectious Disease Special Edition

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Long COVID No Different From Other Post-Viral Syndromes 1 Year After Infection    Infectious Disease Special Edition

Daily in-hospital toothbrushing may reduce pneumonia - University of Minnesota Twin Cities

A meta-analysis today in JAMA Internal Medicine suggests that daily tooth brushing in hospitalized patients lowers the risk of hospital-onset pneumonia. The effect was strongest in patients who were receiving mechanical ventilation. Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP), is the most common nosocomial infection—and the deadliest. Found in about 1% of hospital patients, HAP is seen in both ventilated and non-ventilated patients. HAP is believed to be triggered by microaspiration or macroaspiration of oral microbes, the authors said, but the use of mouthwashes with oral chlorhexidine has become a controversial way to reduce the microbial burden in the mouth. Rigorous toothbrushing may be a safer and more effective alternative to oral antiseptics. Prevention guidelines, however, have traditionally not emphasized toothbrushing. "Prevention guidelines, however, have traditionally not emphasized toothbrushing, and consequently, practices vary widely between hospitals,"

Why Am I Still Coughing Weeks After Having a Cold? - Verywell Health

Lingering coughs after upper respiratory infections like the common cold or flu are called post-infectious or post-viral coughs. A lingering cough is mostly dry and are often referred to as "sub-acute," meaning it persists for more than three weeks after the infection, but less than eight. Post-infectious coughs are a common type of lingering cough, affecting between 11% and 25% of adults who have recently had an upper respiratory infection. Verywell / Laura Porter This article describes the types of infections that tend to cause lingering coughs, as well as how healthcare providers diagnose and treat a cough that won't go away. It also offers tips on how to reduce your risk of post-infectious coughs and upper respiratory infections in general. What Causes a Lingering Cough After a Cold? Lingering coughs often happen with upper respiratory tract infections. These types of infections occur anywhere within the nose, sinuses, throat ( pharynx ), or

Biosafety Levels 1, 2, 3 & 4 - Lab Manager Magazine

Biological safety level basics A very specialized research laboratory that deals with infectious agents is the biosafety lab. Whether performing research or production activities, when working with infectious materials, organisms or perhaps even laboratory animals, the proper degree of protection is of utmost importance. Protection for laboratory personnel, the environment and the local community must be considered and ensured. The protections required by these types of activities are defined as biosafety levels. Biological safety levels are ranked from one to four and are selected based on the agents or organisms on which the research or work is being conducted. Each biological safety level builds on the previous level, adding constraints and barriers.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are our main sources for biological safety information for infectious agents. The publication Biosafety in Microbiological and Bi